22 October 2005

Can Manly afford an aquatic reserve?

Just found out about this local 'finning' in the Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve in April 2004. Five juvenile dusky whaler sharks (Carcharhinus obscurus, 3.65m) were mutiated and no one was prosecuted. 4 had their filets removed and the animals left to rot, the fifth had their fin and jaw missing. This group made Shelley Beach/Fairy Bower their seasonal home and many divers enjoyed their peaceful company. Here are images (& rich media) of some of them in June 2003. This statement (PDF) seems to suggest, that despite signing up to international conventions, authorities do not have sufficient funds to enforce the $11,000 to $220,000 fines or the law. In short, the place is too poor to maintain its biodiversity.

More on plundering aquatic reserves & getting away with it.

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